This is a magic therapy pen. It is a tens massager that can relieve and heal partial body pain. That’s why it is also called Partial Pain Treatment Therapeutic apparatus and family doctor.
The Meridian acupuncture instrument helps you to relax. Do you suffer from constant muscle pain or joint pain? If you do, you can benefit from using this gadget. The device works on acupuncture magnet therapy.
Dome type: Superficial therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beautification.
Node type: Node therapy, which is applicable for partial body pains.
Spheroidal: Partial therapy, which is applicable for quickly alleviating pain
Indication: It is applicable for pains in cervical vertebrae, shoulders, waist, feet, etc. And serves as adjuvant therapy for various diseases such as frozen shoulder, arthritis and neuromuscular pain, etc.
Use this unit after applying the cream to your face and begin the message.
Meridian Energy Pen is an acupuncture tool for body massage. It is useful to rub meridian points. We sell it in Bangladesh at the best price.
Name | Electronic Acupuncture Pen |
Size | 7.3 x 2.9 x 1.5 inches |
Color | Silver |
Material | Magnet, Alloy |
Type | Massage Pen |
Product Of | China |
What is in the Box | Package Contents
This glass Cupping Set is used for Hijama treatment. You can buy it from our online shop at an affordable low price in Bangladesh.
Price ৳ 1000 | Quantity 12 pcs
Cupping Set
Acupressure Sandal আকুপ্রেসার চটি is a Reflexology Foot Slipper. Mainly used for stimulating our different organs of the body. We sell it at a low price in Bangladesh.
Price ৳ 1000 | Quantity 1 pcs
Acupressure Sandal | আকুপ্রেসার স্যান্ডেল
Meridian Energy Pen is an acupuncture tool for body massage. It is useful to rub meridian points. We sell it in Bangladesh at the best price.
Price ৳ 900 | Quantity 1 pcs
Meridian Energy Pen